
More than 30 years ago, my grandmother gave me a box of the role-playing game The Dark Eye (German: Das Schwarze Auge) as a gift. I played the RPG with friends, mostly in person, at a table. Since then, I had some pauses in playing, but I never stopped buying new publications and studying the background of the world.

During the pandemic, I started playing the RPG again, this time online and much more than in the past. At the moment, I play in four different weekly or bi-weekly parties. I learned that our online RPG community is huge. I play or have played The Dark Eye, Vampire – The Masquerade, and Forbidden Lands. Although I have never tried Dungeons & Dragons, Baldur’s Gate 3 and the movie have made me very curious about it.

RPGs changed my life in another way, too. I started developing applications for RPGs and world-building. CoaMaker, an online tool for designing coats of arms, was my first one three years ago. Followed by Flag Creator for flags one year later. Building RPG tools is now my full-time job—thanks to you, my community of thousands of dedicated users! My newest creation is Heroic Token, the token maker tool that I wanted to develop since I first used VTT platforms like Foundry, MapTool, and Roll20. And yes, I play with all of them as every party has their own preferences for tools.

Enough about me. I hope that Heroic Token enriches your gameplay as much as it has ours. Feel free to give me feedback. I always love to connect!
